Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How do you find your music? Thoughts on posting songs/shows for free

It is important to note that music is not free. 

I BUY a lot of music, I mean A LOT

I listen to almost any style of music, and I enjoy nearly as many. Which is how this show has come into being. I do the show because I love to listen to, discover and share my love of music with anyone who will listen (ha)

I know quite a few people who do not value music as much as I do, this is their choice-- HOWEVER

Music is not free



By downloading and copying disks, without buying any of the ARTISTS products, you are cheating many people out of their hard work and just dues. Many artists will not have the chance to create ART, without the financial compensation. If you want the next Radiohead/Jay-Z/Green Day/Kurt Elling, we have to make it viable that they can attempt to become professional musicians.

That means they gotta get paid.

You don't think that steak should be free (I know some people may indeed think products should be free...), you don't think movies should be free (I know some people may indeed think products should be free...), and you certainly don't think whatever you do for financial compensation, should be free. You don't get to decided after the fact how much you are going to work for, nor should musicians.

There are many people who make their living through the music industry.

Engineers/Sound Developers/Software Engineers/Art Directors/Video Directors/Radio Stations/Artists/Session Players/Concert Venues and of course Record Companies. There are many, MANY more people who get fed off of Music, and those dollars are made through selling Music.

I have bought many an album that I have not listened to before, on the recommendation of a magazine, the opinion of a important music critic (New Yorker) or music critic (is there something he hasn't wrote for?) .

There are the music orientated websites:  Allmusic-- Pitchfork -- Resident Advisor (best Electronic/Dance music, review/recommend website IMHO) and music metascore sites.

There are MANY other sites, and professional people that recommend and suggest music to me, in addition I think the artists themselves have provided some of the best recommendations on other music that I either should be into, or should think of.

I struggle with making my shows and songs available for free; since I am stealing from these artists who I tremendously admire for the ART that they create. My favorite album was created using snippets of other records (ie. sampling) (and on a double side note, the photographer who took the picture, is named B+ :&) which I will talk about some other time, but I will let DJ Shadow speak on the ART form of music making himself.  DJ Shadow's thoughts on music industry, file sharing   and quite possibly the authority on the music industry and business Robert Christga.

All I am really trying to say, that if you enjoy my show, or any of the music you hear on the show, PLEASE support the artists whose music would not exist, without OUR continued financial support. The industry is dying and then we will either be left with fewer choices (since less people will be willing to just strike out on their own and try and make music their career) & less music.

That is not what I want, nor do I think that is what others want.

So with all of this said, I will put my show's available and songs, with the intent, that YOU the listener, will at some point in time, support the Music/Musician in some way through buying their products or seeing them in concert. 


Preaching over,
Clifton (DJ C+)

Synesthesia 10pm--Midnight Thursday Nights WSUM 91.7FM 

1 comment:

  1. Does this mean when I overpay for a song on Itunes I am being a better a fan of music!?

    Very good point though! Show some love, buy some music.
