Sunday, March 14, 2010

1st Song Of The Week (SOTW) "I Got A Story To Tell"

The 1st SOTW is in honor of a man who died 13 years ago on March 9th 1997

His 1st album was called "Ready to Die" and his 2nd album was called "Life After Death" released March 25th.....

15 days AFTER he was murdered. I always remember how pumped I was to go and get "Life After Death" and how ironic and perverse that it was getting this mans magnum opus, which was so rife with him dealing with his own mortality.

The last song on the album is called: "You're Nobody (Till Somebody Kills You)".

Anyway this posting isn't really tied to how much of a tragedy his life and music is and was.

This is about the music. 

There used to be a time when album release dates were a big thing. Albums didn't get leaked, they had lead in singles and promotional tours.

Albums were events.

The Exclusive Company, used to do midnight release parties, I remember getting all sorts of albums the night they came out, and the one I remember the most was the album release for "Life After Death" by Biggie.

They had all the promotional posters up, and there was a big line of people really excited to be getting the album. It used to always reassure me that there were so many diverse people who were just as into music as me that they would be up and out and about at midnight on a Monday night/Tuesday morning, I really miss those days.

Sometimes I wonder if we all lose our sense of wonderment and enthusiasm for the world, when we get older & our lives get filled with so many bad things.

I digress....

I couldn't decide to do this post on his album release date (March 25th) or on his death (March 9th) I did know that, I wanted to have the 1st SOTW be about my favorite rapper.

So as to the music: 3 songs

  1. I Got A Story To Tell <-- "you better talk to him...., arm, leg"
  2. Juicy <-- "It was all a dream...."
  3. Wake Up Show Freestyle <-- "I wanna curse"
     I have always thought that good flow and rapping, reminds me tremendously of poetry, and Biggie was almost comically gifted with prose and flow.

    Biggie is certainly somebody....

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